Oh yes. The time and reason that I am on another continent has finally come. Yesterday was the first day of classes and it was wonderful. I had two classes, one of which I am no longer part of and the other which I don't have to go to, but I know will be a good time. Human biology never sounded so interesting until i came over to Australia with a hilarious professor and a light hearted class. If he said the things he was saying in his class over in America, let alone APU, he would either be sued, fired, or murdered. But that is what makes a good professor. Duh. What successful professor ever did anything good without causing some commotion right? Anyways, the Prospects on Global Politics class was a major fail. Sure it counts as a two-fer for my international business degree at home, but it just isn't worth it when you are in a class with 50 and 60 year old post graduates debating about global politics. Two of my least favorite things:

debating and politics. Oh and throw on top of that some doucher professor, class times that will keep me at the uni for up to 4 hours each day longer than what I would have to spend before, and me being a Study Abroad student from AMERICA, which just happens to be the professors "favorite" country. Not. After only one class it was apparent that she was definitely not fond of our power house of a country, but I'm not either.
I could just picture this situation...
We are in a debate for the necessary two hours a week that we need to and America is brought up in the conversation. Mind you I am already hating life because we are debating about politics. The teacher will obviously pick on me to stand up for my country in this debate because I'm from America and I should know about it right? I don't like America. I don't like debating. And I don't like politics. Merging all three of those together would piss me off. So I booked it. :)
Jen made a Blog worthy video of me and roomies first two weeks in Australia. So pull out the popcorn and sodas, take a piss while it loads and ENJOi.
I'm taking three classes at the uni which amounts to 11 units since it is Human Bio (4 units), Spanish 2 (4 units) and Marketing (3 units). I'm also taking Accounting 2 Online (3 units) online at Cerro Coso and hoping that my wait list will fall through for Art (another 3 units). Amounting to a grand total of 17 units. Solid.
Spanish 2 over here is equivalent to the second part of Spanish 1 over in America. So when I went into the class, I took the lovely advice of one of my new Australian friends to play dumb for the teacher or else she will promote me to the class I actually belong in. Job well done on my part. Obviously APU wouldn't catch anything like that, even though I provided the course synopsis for them straight in their face, because my school sucks.

Many times I wonder how they achieved the label "University", but hey, if I can get 23 units of upper division classes in one semester and pull straight A's, they're doing something wrong, cuz I ain't smart. Which is also the reason I will be paying $1,500 to take a calculus class that I didn't take because the academic advisers don't know what the heaven is going on and they steer me in the wrong direction. Maybe I don't love Australia that much, I just hate the other place. Ha. Just kidding. I love it here and I love it there. But here wins. :) Oh and an awesome ID picture. HAHA!
haha nice ID picture!
ReplyDeleteawesomee i dont have to read this right now cuz i just got a dose of matt through SKYPE!! I'll read this when I miss you more. hahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteby the way u dont have to update more---your pace of updating is excellent. (does the word excellent put a smile on your face? LOL kudos)
party hardy and be yourself...not what you...
HAHAHAHAHA DUDE brian you crack me the hell up. i was laughing out loud reading this comment. and then i read the parenthesis and i was like, wow it totally did put a smile on my face cuz i knew exactly how you said it ahahaha