However, there are luxuries of living with three women. At least one always has a purse to carry around my stuff in since board shorts don't have sufficient pockets for my daily necessities such as my phone, wallet, chapstik, and camera. Which brings me to another luxury. When I happen to forget my camera, which happens just about every time we go out, one of the three lovely women always
Moving on. Yesterday we went to the beach for the first time despite the fact that we live only one block slash five minutes away from it. We have just been catching up on life this whole trip and figuring out all the little things that we didn't know about [thanks AustraLearn (the program we went through) for nothing] such as our own airport transfer, even though they promised us transportation from the airport and granted this promise to just about everyone in our program but us. How to make transportation in general all around surfers paradise so it doesn't bust my wallet, because those 30 dollar taxi rides just weren't cutting it anymore. When you see food or anything in general that seems too cheap to be true, it definitely is. Such as a 7 dollar steak lunch which has the catch of a minimum 5 dollar beer purchase too, which still isn't a bad deal, but I'm not trying to spend 12 dollar for lunch everyday. Or the Sea World tickets that were 2 for $40. How awesome would that be? But to take advantage of this deal you need to be at least 28 years old and citizen of the country. Damn.
So that was a little rant off what I was going to talk about. SOOO the BEACH! They are definitely comparable to Hawaiian beaches in many aspects. The Gold Coast has 30 kilometers of pure white sand beach, clear blue water that is the perfect temperature to cool off in but also stay in all day, and el prefecto waves for surfing in. Although I don't have a board yet, since I don't want to be lugging that crap around until we OFFICIALLY settle in, I just went body surfing and it was awesome, minus the fact that I lost my peace sign necklace that I bought at Venice Beach (my favorite place in the world) for only a dollar. It was definitely love at first sight. And yes it does exist. Anyways, the beach looks exactly what you would see in the pictures if you Googled the Gold Coast.
After spending the day at the beach we decided to go into town. It is pretty sweet in downtown Surfers. They have tons of shops and little places to eat that are bomb. And the temperature is perfect at night. Sandals, board shorts, and a tank top are all I need all day. And some SPF 800 sunscreen (when its the daytime). No matter how many times i reapply I always manage to get burnt. It has something to do with the nonexistent ozone layer over here. Which is also part of the reason the Outback is like 8 bazillion times worse than death valley. If you get stuck out there, consider yourself part of the Aboriginal diet. Shoot, even when we were up in Cairns, some of the people from out group almost became part of some 14 year old Aboriginal's diet. Two girls got socked in the face
Oh and I don't think that I have mentioned the school yet. Um it's straight up B-E-A-utiful. I didn't know that it was legal for school to be this pretty. Like for real, I can't believe that I am going here. It's like one of those schools straight out of a movie where you think to yourself "damn, I wish I went to school there." Here are a few pics...

Anyways, that's whats up to date with me. Cheers mate :)
I'd say the Aboriginals are just trying to get revenge against those who came to their land long ago a wiped out many of their people. Sounds a little scary that the aboriginals might attack you. Sucks how much everything costs over there, didn't think a country where its illegal not to vote would be so pricey.