I'm in paradise. Today, me and my roomie had a fairly deep conversation about comparing Hawaii to the Gold Coast slash Australia. Since we both that a deep love for both the Gold Coast and Hawaii she was the only one who I could have a legitimate conversation about this serious topic with. We came to the conclusion that the Gold Coast is better than Hawaii when you

are under 21. For one main reason. The Gold Coast is filled with lush plantation, plumeria flowers, palm trees, white sandy beaches, 80+ degree water and epic snorkeling. All of the wonderful features of our prior favorite place in the world, Hawaii. The Gold Coast is to Oahu and Cairns is to Kauai. It's a big thing for me to say I love any other place in the world more than I love Hawaii, like huge. But it's true. The nightlife doesn't compare to that in Hawaii and that is where Australia earns its kudos.
Anyways, this is the last night before school starts. Weird. WEIRD! School starts tomorrow... Lame. It's been like a wonderful 2 week vacation doing everything that we have been doing. Like bombskiis. The past two days me and Nanae have spent the WHOLE day at the beach. We bought a 12 dollar beach volleyball which may be the greatest investment we could have made on this trip. I had a wonderful time playing pepper and then rotating to body surfing three times. Pepper, body surfing, pepper, body surfing, pepper, and body surfing. Perfect day? Oh yeah and then we went out to Sin City and night where we have VIP access and we get in for free any night of the week. And on our bus ride over to downtown

Surfers, we managed to pick up 2 chicks and 2 dicks to come along with us to Sin City since we got them in for free. I'm pretty sure 2 of them had no plans of going out that night either. People over here are so chill. We have made friends with like 4 other rooms in our hotel and random people we run into. Love it.
We also finally found a way to eat cheaper. The supermarket, Coles. Two nights ago we bought pre-made lasagna and cooked it in our oven. I decided to take over the kitchen that night and failed to notice that there are two settings on the oven. Grill and oven. I had it on grill and it didn't turn out so well. But I salvaged it by scraping off the top layer. Then the next night we bought pre-seasoned chicken and both of these meals amounted to around 25 bucks for 4 people?! Yep. Finally getting the hang of things around here.

Nutella, not Vegemite, has become a staple in our diet. Along with some ham and eggs. Oooo and a dope soft drink called Passiona which is a passion fruit soda. Omg. Amazing. It tastes like real passion fruit carbonated in soda. Well, we are going to stay in tonight since we have school tomorrow. But DJ Kronic is playing at the Bedroom Nightclub, with some other popular Australian DJ and we have free tickets to it. Oh and this Bedroom Nightclub is a club surrounded by beds. STD city. Sooo I wouldn't be surprised if I stopped by. Not because of the STD's tho... Ha. Night ya'll. :)
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