1. I have no internet at my house, so I have to blog at the school or some lame-o internet cafe.
2. I have another blog () that takes priority over my personal blog because it is for a school organisation. So when presented with the lovely gift of internet, its like I have to choose one or the other, and of course I have to go with school.
3. That is all.
But anyways, enough of this talk about how I can't blog.
Last week I went to Sydney. Yeah, Sydney. Home of the 2000 something summer Olympics and the symbolic Opera House. And home to the Harbour Bridge, which in my opinion only is popular because it is right next to the Opera House, and it's big. I mean what is so good about a bridge anyways. Ooo0oOo0o Ahhhhh. That sure is a nice bridge. I mean the architecure on that thing is... Who cares...?
Luckily we had some friends back home from APU that were also studying in Australia that decided to study in Sydney. First off, I would like to give them my sincerest apologies to both Harrison and Michele (with one L) for choosing Sydney over the Gold Coast. Just kidding, Sydney is nice for what it is...I guess. Ha.
No, Sydney is great! I just wouldn't want to be there for four, or five, months. For a few reasons (lets start the numbers again!)
1. Sydney is 45 minutes from a beach, at it's closest.
2. Sydney is cold. 20 degrees Celsius on a nice day. What is the Fahrenheit? Look it up if you can't translate it yourself...you lazy and narrow minded American.
3. Sydney is the city. The city is the city, whether it be in New Zealand, Australia or America.
4. Sydney has sharks!
5. Sydney is fast paced. Everyone walks fast, and does everything else fast. Ew.
6. That's all I can think of now.
Will all that Sydney hating going on, if any of you wanted to go to Sydney you would have a great time. I had an amazing time for my week there, which was only supposed to be four days, but turned into a week. And that is a whole thing.
So let us begin our adventures. Starting with...Manly Bay.
Manly Bay is just across the bay from the world famous Bondi Beach, which houses surf competitions, great waves, mediocre weather, and probably the most crowded beach you will ever see.

But not on the day that we were there.
It's funny how we stumbled across Manly Bay. Jen and I were just going to walk around the city to get a feel for it our second night there and we ended up at the Opera House at night. It's beautiful. And while walking to the Opera House for a better view, we stumbled upon 2000 screaming 14 year old girls. Were the Jonas Brothers in town? No, that was so last week. It's the Biebs (Justin Bieber)! You know that 13 year old punk that Usher and J.T. fought over with endorsements whose lips are redder than a stop sign and whose voice is higher than my baby niece?

Keep in mind, we have not slept all night and we are now about to hit another adventure to Manly Bay after staying up in like 13 degree Celsius weather, which all of you should know how cold is after looking up 20 degrees...right?
So we jumped on the ferry, and my wallet was a little bit lighter. Lucky me. Turns our Manly is some crackin' place at 7:30 am with EPIC waves. It was like the coolest little town I have been to. We got some awesome bacon and eggs to recharge from the extremely long night and saw all this...
Look RIGHT instead of left...niftyy!
Not the most epic set, but hundreds of surfers!
Bacon and eggs never tasted so good!
Do these seagulls look familiar?
"MINE! MINE! MINE!" (Nemo!)
The main shopping street area
Nice cliff views!
Needless to say, if you want to travel anywhere 45 minutes out of Sydney, you will find some nice views and beachy cities. That is what I personally look for in Australia. But there is a reason that I went to Sydney despite all my bagging. What is going to Australia without experiencing what all the talk is about in Sydney. I mean I can't go to Australia for four months and then miss out on Sydney. Right? Well I didn't and in our experience, Manly was a mission but it was well worth it. We painted pottery at a place like Color Me Mine! and ate at a bunch of cool places, with some awesome shopping and amazing coastal walks. Manly was a great day and an unexpected treasure of Sydney. I'll fill you in on the rest of our AMAZING Sydney trip later since this blog is getting a little too long. Check back in a week. :)