Their second trip to Brizzy to see their Aussie mates on the 20st of March was one to be remembered. Who knew? This time Jen’s sister who had been visiting for the week tagged along. The fantastic four, which now turned to five woke up early (10 am) to head on out. They took a quick bus to Robina Rail where they were going to transfer to a Brizzy airport train. The first time they went, the trip costed an amazing 15 or so bucks, which was a breakthough after their 28 dollar airport transfer from the Brizzy airport when they first came. But this time it costed only 5 dollars round trip after they got smarter and used their GoCards which allowed for a continuation fee.
Moving on, they made it to Jamie, Scott, and David’s house. When they got their they just relaxed for a couple hours as they had had some long nights before that in Surfer’s Paradise, but this night wasn’t planned to be short either as it was Alisha’s (Jen’s sister) last night in Australia. After making a quick beer run to FirstChoice (a “discount” liquor store) they were ready to play games. Little did the American’s know that Aussies don’t play games when they drink, they just drink. Lame. Alisha was jam packed with games, being a 23 year old, so we were saved. After playing a few games they decided it was time to go out. “The Fringe” was the bar/club of choice tonight. After a few hours dancing Matt and Jen decided to go exploring in the club.

Mistake numero uno. They walked up the stairs a few times without being stopped and continued to scope out the cool bar/club. They had pool takes, a balcony to look out on, and some lounge sofa on the second floor. Matt decided to use the restroom and when he walked back out Jen was being looked over by a security guard. Wondering what was going on, Matt walked over to check and see what was up with Jen and before both of them knew it they were being escorted out of the club.
After being booted out of the club, the only place to go was home. But they didn’t know where home was because they were in Brizzy. No phone, no address, and the only thing that they knew was that they 345 Aspley bus from Roma Street takes them home and that there is a Red Rooster across the street. So they walked down the street and ended up finding a wallet with 20 bucks in it, just enough for a cab ride to Roma Street where the main Transit Centre

1 hour later, Jen and Matt were officially completely lost in the middle of Brizzy with no reference point to anything. 2 hours later the same thing was happening, except they were double as lost. 3 hours later they were still lost and now Matt has glass in his foot and Jen had tears down her face. Finally accepting the fate that Jen wasn’t going to get to say goodbye to her sister they continued to trek on. 4 hours later of walking around, completely lost without any information as to where they were, they saw their first sign of hope. South Bank, Brisbane’s only man-made beach. So they retraced their steps back that Jamie took them on to Roma Street where they just decided to wait the rest of the night. They finally found Roma Street and were relieved to see something that they knew. It was now open for people to stay in, but they buses weren’t running for another hour and a half. They went to 7-11 to get some snack to hold them over and watched the dark night sky turn light blue as the sun rose around 5:45am.

They took turns taking five minute naps to make up for all the energy they lost during the night walking around and then played some games with the remaining coins from the 20 dollars Matt found earlier that night. Finally the bus came at 6:37 to Aspley and it was over. They got off the bus, opened the house with a key Scott gave Jen and heart Thriller by Michael Jackson being blasted at 7am. They were completely confused as they walked up to the steps to see Nanae and David drinking Red Bulls and talking. The four exchanged stories about how they were lost and they were looking for them and then Matt and Jen decided they are going straight home after the crazy night. They took the train back and knocked out until 7pm that day.
Just another day in the O-Z.